Sunday, October 18, 2009

One beer at a time

So in today's Daily Dose of Awesome, the story begins with a jaunt to the bank, courtesy of the lovely and talented Katee Jones. It's an absolutely beautiful fall day in Michigan. The kind of day that makes you love this state: a crisp 50 degrees and not a cloud in the sky; trees beginning to change colors and just the hint of a breeze complete the effect.

Due to a somewhat complicated set of circumstances, I worked yesterday (Saturday) but have all of today off. Cool, right? Seems to be a perfect day to just chillax and watch some football. Well, except for the fact that the 49ers have a bye this week and the Lions play with all the pussiance of a wounded baby seal...but I digress. Anyways, on the way back from the bank we have to pass right by Golfside Market, which is the closest liquor store to Casa de B2K. I figure a quick pitstop for some brews is in order.

As I'm walking in to the market, I notice an old homeless dude sitting on the curb out in the parking lot, but didn't really think anything of it. Of course, as Im perusing the beer aisle, the thought occurs to me: yeah, it's an almost perfect day outside, but it might not be almost perfect if I was homeless. It might, in point of fact, suck balls. But--if I was homeless--it would probably suck less (or smaller) balls if I had a beer to take the sting off the hand life was currently dealing me.

So I plunk down some cash, grab my brews and head back out into the wonderful sunshine. At this point I turn to said homeless guy and offer him a beer. He says yes, and thanks me as I hand him one.

Image courtesy of getaway driver Katee Jones

As I pick up my case and head to the car, he says something I can still hear ringing in my head. "Turned out to be a beautiful day, didn't it?"

I'm not sure if he was talking about the weather or my small generosity or both, but in retrospect it doesn't matter. The answer is the same either way: Yes. Yes, it surely did.

1 comment:

  1. Makes ya feel great doesn't it...did that for a beggar in SF years ago on the way back to the USPHotel...he was grinning from ear to ear...good for you bro.
