Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He is Fernando! The Party Planner!

I got this from one of my buddies who lives in NYC. Apparently this is a real commercial that actually airs on real television in the Bronx. (God bless America) This 1:10 of pure, unadulterated Awesomeness is best savored with the volume up loudly.

There might not be enough words in the B2K™ lexicon to adequately how awesomely bad this commercial is, but let's just start with the hair. Wow. Somewhere, Eriq La Salle is rejoicing that Soul-Glo has made it's triumphant return.

And this guys has some chops too. No, he'll never be The World's Most Interesting Man or even The Man Your Man Could Smell Like, but he's still got skillz. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap on a stick, that's funny. I can't decide which I enjoy more though, the singing chick who at :30-:31 looks like she misses the "action" cue and then - suddenly and for the rest of the video - starts looking thrilled to be there or the slo-mo head snap by the man himself showing us the supple movement of his locks. Priceless.
