Wednesday, February 20, 2013

That "can't happen here." Bullshit, it can't. It already has.

Anyone remember what happened 71 years ago this week?

Probably not.

On February 19th, 1942 FDR willfully and intentionally violated The Constitution, an act for which he should have been impeached. I am speaking of the Executive Order 9066, more commonly referred to as Japanese Internment--the rounding up of over 100,000 people who were frog-marched into Concentration Camps on American soil.  Far more than half of these people were American Citizens with a full and complete set of alleged Constitutional Rights.

We, America, did this.

We, America, imprisoned our own citizens without trial, without suspicion, without due process of law and without evidence. We did so merely on their genetic code and the ancestry of their parents. We did this on American soil and through the American mainland, not in some foreign combat zone.

I repeat:  We, Americans, did this.

We did this here.  We not only took these people's freedom without cause we dispossessed them of every worldly thing they owned that was not able to be carried in their hands at the time they were rounded up.

 Those who are in our government in any capacity, local, state or federal, and state that our government "would never do such a thing" are factual liars, as our government has already proved through its own actions that it not only will do so, but has done exactly that.

NEVER AGAIN is not just for Jewish people. 

It is for us all.

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