Sunday, April 24, 2011

Starlight on waves

I'm may not be the most intelligent guy out there, but I feel like I've probably accumulated a little wisdom in my thirty-odd years of life. Usually wisdom comes in the form of experience, and it seem experience usually comes via bad choices. Ofttimes the wreckage and debris of these choices can clutter our perception for years to come. The trick, I try to remind myself often, is to keep your perspective correct.

The are moments, my friends, that shine in our memories for years thereafter. Moments of happiness, of joy, of triumph, of glory, of love. If the span of our years is a journey mostly filled with routine, the dull and banal, these moments shine. They glitter, like the fire of starlight on a windy sea at night.

Sadly, sometimes--most times, if we dare admit it to ourselves--the star flares out, gutters and burns itself to ash. All that remains is the memory of starlight on the waves. And if we are not careful, we can find ourselves looking back on these moments with a sense of sadness or loss; but that path leads to bitterness an despair.

No my friends, instead think back in happiness that you were there; in joy and gratitude that you were able to experience it in the first place. That way lies the path to peace and serenity. So smile my friends and if you must weep, weep with joy. For if one holds on to the memories of those great moments, it is always easier to find beauty in the mundane. Tears--for example--can glimmer like stars if you look at them in the correct light.

Happy Easter.

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