Thursday, April 1, 2010

Apparently America really is this stupid

I'm going to start out here with the assumption that you don't know who Hank Johnson is. No biggie; don't beat yourself up for being uninformed. For most of America, there's not much reason to know exactly who Hank Johnson is.

Apparently Hank Johnson is a congressman from the great state of Georgia. He has two degrees, including a Juris Doctor, and practiced law for over 25 years prior to being elected in 2006. Despite this, Hank Johnson apparently doesn't understand basic physics. Or geology. Or gravity and other common sense things that should be terribly obvious by the time one has matriculated from 2nd grade.

In the clip below, you will see Mr. Johnson speaking to Admiral Robert Willard about a potential military buildup on the island of Guam. Approximately 1:25 into the clip below, you will see Congressman Johnson express concerns that the addition of 8,000 military men could cause the island to "tip over and capsize."

Yes. I'm not kidding. Check it out.

The all the discipline of a career military man, Admiral Willard simply responds, "We don't anticipate that." Well played, Admiral. Well played, indeed.

So yes, America. This is who we are. The Apocalypse is nigh.

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